Monday, February 28, 2011

If Jesus come inside my House

I want to live their forever and problem to some guarding outside plants and followers. I want to see the mountain and river. I go to the house and Relax the chair next the fire place and read and write more store about God and Jesus and also the Angel because to talk to and spend time. I love the world so much. I want to pray for my family all time. I might to bring a friend over my house and cook outside and eat outside because all around the house is spirit. Something Miracle inside my room is Jesus is their and give me wonderful gift like to go to heaven and see mom all time. I might to see my grand mother Ba and Grandparents also once time and back to my house to live alone and see the birds on the tree. The birds always watch over the house and see me.My best time is the Holiday all time and spend ALL YEAR. just maybe to bring my sister over my house and sleep over. My friend Sam might over my house also because he is Amaze person and lovable sometimes. Jesus I do care about you all time and never let you go forever because I like you so much.